Sprouted seeds with vitamin B – pages 32 and 33


Alma Nissen’s faithful helper Anni Jacobsen, (top left) creates one tasty vegetarian meal after the other in the kitchen at Brandal – to the delight of the patients who have undergone Alma Nissen’s drinking cure (top right).

After dinner Alma Nissen every day gives a lecture on current disease and health issues (bottom).

Caption page 32


We eat sprouted seeds such as mung beans, lentils and fenugreek seeds.

First we let the seeds soak in water over night.

The bad seeds, which do not germinate and most often can be easily found because they are dark and hard, get sorted out.

Then we germinate the seeds in a glass with gauze over.

We wash the seeds two till three times a day for three days.

The seeds have to stay in a warm place while they germinate, and after that they can be kept in a refrigerator.

The reason why we are particularly fond of sprouted seeds is that they are rich in vitamin B.

Fenugreek for instance has long been recommended as a standard strength and healing agent and has a positive effect on inflammations as well.

Alfalfa is used as a tonic, particularly by those who lack minerals.

We rinse the alfalfa thoroughly and place it in a glass with a net over for one night.

After that it has to stand in a warm place for two till three days and get rinsed two till three times a day.

In the afternoon we drink tea at Brandal Helsehjem.

This applies to both the patients who are still engaged in the fast and to the patients who have finished the fast already – drinking cure we call it.

In general one can say that we benefit from the herbal tea in more than one way, because when we collect the herbs, we get exercise and fresh air – and we are grateful for the nature.

That is an important addition to the tea …

We have different herbal teas to choose from.

It can be peppermint or it can be chamomile tea.  We also drink tea brewed on dry leaves, for example from black currant bushes.

To be continued …

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Fruit, vegetables and porridge – Pages 30 and 31


Caption: Brandal Helsehjem has a small but good organic vegetable garden, where Pia Gahns amongst other things picks green salad (picture to the left). In the upper picture Alma Nissen reaches out for more garlic while Mizzi Hempel watches her. – I’ve always had a weak constitution – Mizzi Hempel says. – Had I not met Alma Nissen 30 years ago, I would have been dead by now. She has saved me and given me my life back!

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Alma Nissen continues:

To feel well we should every day eat:

a fruit meal,

a vegetable meal

a porridge meal.

It’s important that the food we eat is predominantly alkaline. We can measure whether we get enough alkaline food with a urine sample and some indicator paper.

80 percent of the food we eat should be alkaline and 20 percent acid-forming.

We must also make sure to eat a diet high in fiber to stimulate the peristaltic of the bowel. And at the same time we must make sure to get the substances that can build cells, all together through a high-fiber, raw vegetarian diet.

Every day we eat the green leaf.

I think the green leaf is very important, because its components are helping to build red blood cells.

We get plenty of nettle soup.  The salad we eat is also with nettles and maybe sorrel.

Our salad dressing consists of a little oil, the juice of half a lemon, herb salt, 1-3 cloves of garlic pressed in a garlic press, plus some herbs to taste.

The main meal is lunch, and we are constantly trying to vary the raw meal.

We serve raw, grated carrots, beets, chopped onion, chopped parsley, finely sliced leek, boiled or baked potatoes, tomato or cucumber.

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The meals at Brandal – Pages 28 and 29

29  Caption page 28: Alma Nissen working in the kitchen: – We blend our breakfast. First we take a coffee cup full of sesame seeds with shells and blend it with water …


But now we’ve started talking about food already, maybe I should tell more about the meals we serve for our patients who’ve already been through the drinking cure I described before.

Breakfast here at Brandal Helsehjem is very simple.

Modern people apparently don’t have time to eat. They put something in their mouth and turn it around a few times and that’s it. Or at least that’s what they think.

We’ve gotten 32 teeth because we’re supposed to use them. And every tooth should have its chance. This means that we need to chew every bite of our food 32 times.

It’s difficult to make people chew their food that carefully.

That’s why we’ve bought a blender.

We blend the breakfast.

First we take a coffee cup of sesame seeds with shells and blend it with water.

When the sesame seeds are completely crushed, we add a banana, a cored apple and an orange without the peel and kernels into the blender.

Soon we have a complete, highly digestible and very tasty breakfast. If it needs to be sweeter we add raisins.

On top of this breakfast you can add a little bran, if you have trouble with your digestion, and you can sprinkle it with a little ground flaxseed.

Many people like to sprinkle some chopped nuts and wheat germ on this fruit mix.

It’s a very filling breakfast, and it’s a whole meal that suits small children who’ve got their first tooth, but it’s also good for older people who have difficulty chewing.

In short: it’s a breakfast for everyone.

To be continued …

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How to rescue a theatrical performance – Page 27

You can also get the recipe for how the director of a theatre can save a performance.

When the leading lady, who has to sing a big aria, is hoarse, there is no show.

It’s the nightmare of every theater director.

As soon as you get a fever or a cold, you can save the situation by squeezing garlic into a soup or warm milk with honey and drink this garlic soup or garlic milk.

– How much garlic should you use?

That depends, but 6-8 cloves of garlic. When there is as much at stake as a play, you have to grit your teeth and do what you can.

– How fast does it work?

It works spontaneously. It won’t be long before the fever goes down.

It’s important to use raw garlic. Obviously! One should not treat the real thing with heat.

All in all one should avoid treating vegetarian food with heat, because the moment you heat your food you kill the vital growth cells in it.

I have a theorem that says: The best way to fry food is – not to fry it at all.

And I think it’s true. One should of course not be fanatic though.

Here at Brandal we believe in living vegetarian food.

It gives rosy cheeks, bright eyes and it makes you want to dance and have a good time.


To be continued …



This is how I treat leg ulcers with garlic – Page 26

As I mentioned earlier nature’s penicillin has many uses.

We’ve used it to treat: bladder infections; prostate and ovarian infections and sinusitis; infections of the maxillary sinus, frontal sinusitis and infections of the ears.

Yes, in our experience all infections in closed spaces can be treated with garlic.

When I use garlic for leg ulcers, they heal quickly. The process is also very simple: I take a vial with a screw cap, and will one third of it with crushed garlic and two thirds with cold-pressed oil. It can be cooking oil or olive oil.

Then I screw the lid on the jar and shake it.

I use the content of the glass to moisten the compress which is applied to the wound.

I do this to get rid of the staphylococci, because these prevent the formation of new skin cells.

The moment I put the compress with garlic and oil on the skin, the cell growths of the staphylococci stops. Then the skin cells get their big break and the wound heals from the edges and in.

It sounds incredible, but it’s a fact.

During the 30 years I’ve been her on Brandal Helsehjem, I’ve been eating garlic every day.

I’ve never had a cold, sore throat or any kind of infection and garlic is one of the reasons for my good health.

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Deeply depressed – Page 18

The doctor wasn’t willing to publicize the results of my treatment.

Nobody was interested in my idea.

I was disappointed and travelled to Alássio in Italy.

I was depressed, and walked through the mountains for half a year and along the Mediterranean.

There I met the well-known nutrition scientist and health pioneer Are Waerland.

We discussed what we could do for the health case. Like I Waerland was disappointed, because the doctors didn’t understand what nutrition meant for peoples health.

One day something happened that would be crucial to my life.

Are Waerland was visited by Conrad Åhlberg. He owned a health home in Sweden and together with Are Waerland he was working for peoples health in Sweden.

Conrad Åhlberg was looking for a substitute for the matron of a health home.

He offered me the job.

I was very much in doubt, but in the end I agreed to take the job.

As soon as I started, the health home was filled with patients, and it was like that during the four months I was there.

When the period of replacement was over and I was to return home, Conrad Åhlberg said:

– You are never allowed to leave Sweden.

We cannot do without you here.

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To be continued …

Treatment for leg ulcers, gangrene and arthritis in children – Page 25

When I use a mixture of garlic and oil on leg ulcers, they heal very fast, Alma Nissen says. In the picture to the left she treats an older patient.

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The picture to the right shows Alma Nissen and 6 years old Mette Jensen, who is proof that Alma Nissens treatment also works for children.

– We are convinced that Alma Nissen saved Mette from becoming an invalid, farmer Hans Østergaard Jensen from Samsø in Denmark says.

– Mette got arthritis, when she was only 4½ years old. She got four large pills containing aspirin and codeine for the pain every day. If she had kept taking them, the pills would have damaged her kidneys. We can’t imagine what Mette would have been like today, if she hadn’t met Alma Nissen and started her cure.

– Now, two years later Mette is well, even so she still has some problems walking. But her health has changed drastically. And the most important part of it is that she doesn’t feel pain.

We have seen patients with gangrene get cured by Alma Nissen. We have seen patients with arthritis get so much better. It’s time for the doctors to realize and take Alma Nissen’s cure seriously! Says farmer Hans Østergaard Jensen.

To be continued …

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Garlic for all infections – Page 24

The fact that garlic also helps you get a whole train compartment for yourself is something you have to see from the bright side.

Unfortunately it takes some time for people to get used to the smell of garlic.

The problem is solved when everybody eats garlic.

– How can it be that garlic – as you say – is nature’s penicillin? What does it contain?

Here at Brandal it has shown that garlic contains positive elements, which make it suitable for all infections. Amongst other things garlic contains silicic acid, iodine and sulfur-containing essential oil. It is one of the best natural remedies we have. Many hundred years of use have shown it.

Garlic has many positive features. It gives you more appetite and is good for your congestion and it also kills bacteria.

I have seen swollen fingers get well because of garlic.

I have seen osteomyelitis, which attacks bones, get cured within 14 days. Amongst others a doctor who visited Brandal Helsehjem, got cured.

The doctor was supposed to have his finger amputated because of osteomyelitis. We treated the doctor’s finger with garlic and oil, and he was able to avoid the amputation.

To be continued …

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Yes, it sounds horrible … – Page 23

We have four ways to cleanse our bodies: through our skin, intestines, kidneys and lungs.

Every morning our patients get an enema to flush their intestines.

Then they get a shower. First warm, then icy cold!

Yes, it sounds horrible, but it is necessary.

It stimulates the nervous system, the skin, the blood circulation and the peristaltic. (The peristaltic is the progressive muscle contraction in the digestive system, stomach and intestines, which makes the content of it move on).

I emphasize on a treatment that works fast and is totally safe.

The first responsibility – do no harm – is complied.

We don’t give the patients anything that can harm them.

Nature’s penicillin – garlic – doesn’t do any harm either.

I’ve never seen any infection that can stand coming in touch with garlic.

Bacteria have to give up, when they meet garlic.

It’s a meeting the bacteria didn’t expect. But it’s an experience all bacteria get here at Brandal Helsehjem.

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It takes time – Page 22

It takes time

Patients get this meal three times a day: at eight in the morning, at twelve and at six in the evening. At three in the afternoon we drink herbal tea.

The patients are not allowed to get any other food during the 15 – 30 days of the fast.

The cure helps the patients to get rested, and they are feeling really good.

Patients who suffer from insomnia start feeling relaxed, and like the other patients they start sleeping with open windows, so they get as much oxygen as possible.

Fresh air and exercise are important parts of the cure. Many patients feel better very fast, but patients who’ve been ill for a long time should not expect to feel a real change to the better before they’ve fasted for 2 – 3 months.

To be on the safe side it is wise to stay in contact with a doctor, if a patient follows the cure by him or herself. We are all different and so is our health and we can react differently.

It takes time to get used to the cure.

It also takes time to get used to it when the cure is over after about 30 days.

In both cases it has to be done gradually.

After fasting for 30 days one should start eating again by eating raw food in small portions at each meal and slowly getting used to larger portions.

Patients, who are very sick and poisoned by drugs, can in the beginning of a fast feel reactions like unrest and creeps in their legs.

They can also get headaches and have a tendency to throw up. When we see that, we give the patient 4 large glasses of spring water to drink, so they get a radical cleanse that way also.

Usually the headache and nausea is gone after the patient did throw up.

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To be continued …