Living the life with LCHF

Switching to Low Carb High Fat is heaven.

In case you’re not familiar with LCHF, it’s a kind of paleo diet with the exception that on LCHF you eat a lot of fat.

The idea is that fat makes you feel full sooner so you eat less, and because the food doesn’t contain a lot of carbohydrates, your blood sugar doesn’t rise and fall, but stays where it’s supposed to be. That means your body does not make a lot of insulin, which means you don’t gain weight but lose some instead.


Cooking LCHF is quite different from normal cooking, but it’s absolutely delicious. Like for instance the coffee I get in the morning, which I make from

2 large tablespoons coconut oil or butter

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 pinch vanilla

1 cup full strong coffee

½ cup hot water

1 egg

If you like your coffee sweet you can add some coconut sugar as well

Add all the ingredients in a blender and blend for a minute or two on high speed. Pour the coffee into a glass and enjoy.

I could easily get used to this!

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